“Identity is literally your repeated beingness” whatever you repeat is who you become.
— James Clear
Damien Hughes
Background (short and simple)
I did gymnastics for 6 years, Ninja for 10+ years, film and editing for 2 years. I’ve coached at 6 different gymnastics clubs over 6 years. I’ve worked with all types of kids including special needs. Qualification wise; cert III in fitness. GA Intermediate GFA Coach.
Me as a person
I love uniqueness and creativity. I’ll often try something new or innovative. Worst case I’ve learnt something.
Hobbies: Parkour and film, gaming and music. They’ve made me persistent, athletic and creative.
My opinions
I’m 21 but don’t conflate my youth with ignorance.
Improving yourself is a challenge and there is often too much information which can get overwhelming fast.
I’ve had driven friends decades older than me most of my life and been fortunate enough to learn some early life lessons, I plan to share what I’ve learnt so you or your child can get things done and stand out.
Why pick me over a cheap gymnastics club?
Safety, Progression, Mindset.
The one thing I’ve realized is most places hire teenagers with very little experience, their main focus is on school and not the future and benefit of your child.
Safety: I’ve seen coaches spot kids in a way that compromises the child’s neck or circuits that are unjustifiably high risk. I prioritize safety and allow positive risk-taking.
Progression: I coach 1 on 1 (the absolute best and fastest way to progress) or group classes capped at 4 people for an hour and a half. Most clubs have 8 or more kids for an hour class.
- In my hour-and-a-half group class I can delegate 22 minutes per child
- A regular club will only be able to delegate 7 minutes (often less) per child.
you’re learning 3x times faster with me and getting your money’s worth
Mindset: Most coaches teach a skill. I teach a characteristic (like persistence) through a skill.
“If you do it, then it will be done”
— Mac Islas - founder of ANV
When I first heard that quote, I said in a very wise tone; “yeah no shit” but it stuck with me. Why was some blatantly obvious quote unshakeable?
Growing up I was a very lucky kid. Stable home, and good friends, I always listened, asked questions and was fortunate enough to have natural talent, I could sing, I was athletic, loved performing. 13-year-old Damien even had goals to go on the TV show “The Voice” and sing when he turned 16. My parents gave me singing lessons and a keyboard. I was set up with the best chance of success, so it came as a surprise to me when I turned 16 and nothing happened.
“I’ll be there by 18 surely”
“Maybe when I’m 21?”
And now I’m not even thinking about it. I had a dream for well over half a decade and it never happened.
Now let’s have a look at my sister, Sarah. Same boat, but it’s clear all the natural talent went to me. With similar interests I watch her start from well below average. Singing, gymnastics, performing. People would discourage her
“Please take lessons”
“Wait… You actually do gymnastics?”
A normal person would shrink and stop. But my sister is not normal (believe me). She practised her singing and continued to throw god-awful cartwheel after cartwheel. But it wasn’t just a couple times a week like I was doing,
it was every day.
Sarah can sing better than most and she’s performing cartwheels with more elegance and precision than me.
I hear you and don’t worry I won’t. Over the past couple years, I’ve been on a bit of a journey consuming mentoring content and learning how to build habits and introduce new ways of thinking. The hard truth is, there’s no magical property when it comes to time passing, the only way to make things happen is to put in the reps, build consistency and research what you want to do with your life.
Hoping your dreams will come to you without hours of work per day is like thinking paint will dry faster if you stare at it.
Making sure opportunities don’t pass you by is the reason I started Ninja Cuts. I want to make sure kids today don’t get complacent and stuck thinking things will naturally gravitate towards them.
I want to build mindsets for winners.